
Affichage des articles du avril, 2019

Inclusive looping in D

D lets us write for loops in the following form : foreach(i; 0 .. 5) { //do something with i } While convenient, I sometimes find myself needing to iterate over a range inclusively, which means that I want the upper bound to be included in the loop. Kotlin supports both inclusive and exclusive looping with the .. and until operators. Nim's .. and ..< operators behave respectively like Kotlin's .. and until. Swift supports a similar construct as well. D doesn't support one natively, but it shouldn't be too difficult for us to come up with something. Naive solution The following hack makes use of UFCS to provide a readable solution to the problem outlined above : T inc(T)(T input) { return cast(T)(input + 1); } void main() { foreach(i; 0 .. { writeln(i); } } inc stands for inc lusive, but it can also be thought of as inc rement since that's what really happens here. UFCS lets us write instead of the more verb